Robyn Goodfellowe (voiced by Honor Kneafsey) wants to help her father Bill Goodfellowe (voiced by Sean Bean) to hunt down the forest and kill the wolves, as task given to him by Lord Protector (voiced by Simon McBurney). Despite been told to stay away, Robyn is stubborn and quietly sneaks outside following her dad but ends up by chance meeting Mebh Og MacTire (voiced by Eva Whittaker) who is a Wolfwalker, meaning she is a wolf when asleep at night and a girl in the day. Soon Robyn becomes good friend with Mebh and realizes a truth about herself that leads her to ensure her father and Lord Protector don't succeed in their mission.
I am not a fan of 2d animation which is one of few other reasons why I found this movie just about decent despite its high rating. Felt the cliches and stereotype scenarios were too much to ignore, for instance the story is predictable knowing where it will be heading, then there's the annoying father-daughter relationship where Bill keeps ignoring what Robyn wants to say and forcing her to do chores, or an evil Lord Protector whose hatred for wolves is never explained and oddly he has put gates to avoid children out or wolves in, when they both can easily run through it for the pattern gates have.
I liked the friendship Mebh and Robyn form, their first meeting is fun to watch and so is the my fav moment when Robyn learns her true identity with lovely background song of 'Running with the Wolves'. Mebh character worked for me most, while Robyn was mix of good and annoying, more for the way her character is written. Would had been nice if Bill learned the reality and teamed up with Robyn much earlier. Also, doesn't quite explores the Human vs Animals angle.
My Rating : 5/10