Shahrukh Khan in a still from 'Dil Se'


Just a little bit about me, how this love for my movies began and what I love and dislike. 

I began watching hindi movies in late 90s but I realized my obsession much later in mid 2000's. Slowly got drawn into Hollywood and World Cinema.  I haven't seen that many films which most of the die-hard movie buffs would in such a span of time because of my bad habit - I tend to take a long time to let go off a movie that I love madly. 

This blog I started in 2008, my posts are still simple without using heavy words, and many times there would be grammatical errors too.. but its okay as I enjoy writing in this style only trying to just convey how I felt about a movie or a song, and yes always with spoilers. 

Every now and then a routine flick is fun to watch, there are many guilty pleasure movies too. My priority however goes either to Horror genre or anything that feels very creative/out of the box. And no, that doesn't mean I am into festival kind movies, to be honest they rarely work for me.

I have never believed in the word 'Fan' and till date have never understood what any particular celebrity's fan get by the mad worshipping.  Rather, I enjoy falling in love with particular movie characters. Also, I don't like people who feel films are a means to run away from real life, calling it the name of 'escapist cinema'.. err sorry strongly disagree. We probably are on totally different wavelength then.

My All Time Favourites are : 
• Dark
• Dil Se

Critics I feel are important, not to help what film to watch as that's something one should do on their own. But, they are most helpful in decoding different perspective about a film that you wouldn't have noticed and it's always good to see even a bad film seen through a deep perspective. Nothing wrong to learn new insights about a movie even if I hated the movie. 

Reminding again, if you read my movie analysis/reviews then be careful, I always write with spoilers. It would be better that you watch and come to read later. 

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