Two elf brothers, Ian Lightfoot (voiced by Tom Holland) and Barley Lightfoot (voiced by Chris Pratt) go on a quest to get their dead father back for one day as they battle against the time, obstacles on the way, curses that comes with the magic spells while finding themselves bond like never before.
There's tiny things that makes this a better movie then it would had been. For instance, Ian and Barley's mom is included as part of adventure and plays key role. We never get to hear their father talk, not even in that last scene of his with Barley, rather we are told through Barley what he said when he talks to Ian. It starts off as a routine 'another story' where guy is missing father who passed away long back and will go to any extent to just have one talk with him through magic, but the screenplay is all the time building towards an entirely different storyline which makes it fun to watch.
The scene where Ian is ticking off all the 'to do things with dad' and suddenly remembering how he already did all of that with Barley during their failed quest was easily my most favourite. Also, enjoyed most of the magic spells, loved the disguise one where one has to tell truth or disguise would get revealed. Barley giving up on his favourite van when Ian's magic fails and the chase scene of those tiny (whatever they are called) when Barley was shrunked were other fun highlights.
Had two problems with movie, felt the starting took too long to get going, though it was made up with 2nd act full of lovely adventures and an even better final act that gives some nice touching moments. Also, many creatures (its a fantasy world with no humans) ended up playing total sides, leaving asides Manticore and those tiny things on bike, would had liked some more involvement of them either as help to Lightfoot brothers or more obstacles.
Tom Holland and Chris Pratt were perfect choices for the brothers voiceovers. Barley at start would feel irritating but as the movie goes on, his character develops really nicely. I would say Onward is very much for guys what Frozen is to girls for the sibling (sisters in their case) bonding and the magic resemblance too.
My Rating : 7/10