Directed by : Jan Pavlacky
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Be quiet, don't wake him... If you wake him, you are gonna be sorry. 

Spoilers ahead..

Based on 'true stories' as is told before every episode though its not easy to believe that in some of the cases. I had seen 1st season and hardly liked 1 or 2 episodes, with one of main problem been the narration. The person who is/had been haunted, sits in a living room setup along with the people who mean a lot to him/her (family/friends/relatives/lover) and then begins to narrate the story with them giving the reactions of 'oh no, oh my god', so you know why this gets irritating. Coming back to 2nd season now, yes the same narration is repeated sadly, but were the episodes, or the reaaal episodes good or not.. lets see.

The Mimic :
A young woman starts hearing her friends voices in the house she just started living. And those voices come when they ain't there.

It was likeable minus the part where they show the spirit physically in that disgusting gross look. If you love jump scares which I don't, then you may love this episode even more as there were I think 4 major jump scares (provided I counted right) that to be honest were forced upon us. My only question is, why didn't she leave the house when her boyfriend confirmed there was something wrong in the basement of the house. Too adventurous or money issue?

Ward of Evil
A nurse works with dementia patients at an assisted living facility comes to terms with a new patient who she discovers is possessed.

This one was in middle kind in terms of believing its true. Sometimes I felt it might be, and sometimes I didn't. Decoding on basis of fiction, what didn't work for me was why would nurse or the owner of the place let that possessed patient (Jackie) stay even after they discover she can't be cured by them. I mean they are having routine trips to her room knowing she is dangerous even after what was done to arm of a new assistant who immediately quit the place. Another theory is that Jackie was just hallucinating and the nurse tells story from her point of view so just exaggerating.. Either way, there was nothing much to like about this episode, even the exorcism scene isn't shown in detail. The end is good but only if you believe Jackie or that room did actually had something evil.

Cult of Torture
A man shares his experience from pre-teen to teenage times when he was made to go through a religious conversion therapy.

I liked this one but then I hated it too, and that was for what the guy goes through. Let me clear, this episode has no spirits involved, its the horror of having the kind of parents you shouldn't have. In a scene when the priest arrives home and spanks the guy's brother while their mother stands silently, it gives a hint how horrible she must be, and what hell the guy will go through who is considered to have feminine traits. There's the disgusting 'Gay demon, go away' ritual done, originally I found it silly and funny but then the physical trauma they do after that was hard to watch. It was like those torture movies of slaves you may have watched. Believable story, yea this one was very much so!

Spirits from Below
Traumatized siblings tell the story about the terrible things that happened in their family home when they lived there.

This was the least believable story, specially the way it ends where their Mom tells about the ghosts. But as a fiction (thats what it is for me), there are some good scenes, like the red boy one or the one where the little girl one by one starts throwing things down. As always the narration breakup by the ridiculous conference kind re-tell of story breaks whatever interest had developed.

Demon of War
A U.S Marine who has gone to serve in Afghanistan, is confronted by a demon with glowing eyes.

For like 10 mins there was no demon, and I was thinking maybe the haunting here would be about 'war' as how it affects people sometimes while knowing enemy could kill you anytime. But my bad luck, they show a stupid demon more like a creature look that does nothing but warns 'you are not welcome in here'. It was the funniest of all the episodes so far, unless ofcourse you are a jump scare lover, have fun then.

Born Cursed
A young boy is convinced that he was born cursed and there's a 'hangman' always following him.

As if the jump scares aren't enough, there's plenty of jump cuts (editing term if you aware) used in here. Same was done in 2nd episode too. Talking about this episode, its bit of middle way, the demon encounters are fun to watch, but they just didn't show much or give it a proper end as I was expecting. In terms of believability, its 50-50 for me.

So, yet another poor season of 'Haunted' it turned out.. Didn't love a single episode, liked two and rest were either mediocre or plain bad.

My Rating : 3/10