Directed by : Sanjay Tripathi
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Raghuveer Yadav steals the show, good performance from Farooque Sheikh too. 

The concept of the film is 'how do you see the glass - half full or half empty'.

Dr. Tariq Sheikh (Farooque Sheikh) and Saira Sheikh (Sarika) are doctors by profession, and have moved in Mumbai. One day they get news of their son's death who lives abroad, and it completely shakes them off. Saira is much more stronger to move on but Tariq isn't. In his 60's, Tariq starts to live in his son's memories, having no relation with the world. Saira is worried about his mental state, and therefore takes psychiatrist help. Tariq's life changes when he meets one of his flatmate  Manubhai (Raghuveer Yadav), who despite being above 60 lives life like a 20 something guy.

The film's pace is very slow in the beginning, its Manubhai character's entry that lifts the movie from a total emo mode to fun mode. The way Manubhai dresses up, flirts with half aged or same aged girls, jokes around, drinks and basically does everything that he feels is good to enjoy life. At times, his character irritates, like Tariq feels. But slowly, you understand Manubhai's style of living is anytime better than what Tariq has made himself gone into.

Love the scene where Manubhai comes over Tariq's place to celebrate his dead son's birthday. Also, the scene where Saira asks psychiatrist that did she love her son less than his father as she has overcome the sadness but her husband hasn't. That was a very well written scene.

Its only at right end, we get to know the story of Manubhai, which for me is narrated weakly. Jay (Satish Shah) story is also nicely used, without trying to over-show the differences between father-son due to rich family he got married to. Sinha (Vineet Kumar) and D.S Dhillon (Sharat Saxena) have good roles too, specially Dhillon who in one funny scene gets stuck in a hotel with the girl he comes with running away with his clothes too. Ali (Tinu Anand) story deals with son gone abroad and having no time for him. Though, his farting was touch irritating in the movie.

The ending is very emotional, maybe real but its hard to see a character like that whom you had loved throughout.

I didn't knew this would be Farooque Sheikh's last movie, his performance was very good as a lonely father who had forgotten that he has a life to live.

Sarika does very well in her part of Tariq's wife. But its Raghuveer Yadav who takes away the limelight with his great performance, he's a live wire throughout the movie, full of energy and helping, naughty friend who loves flirting.

Club 60 is a well made light hearted movie that shows various relationships past 60 age, and how maturely they tackle it.

Verdict : VERY GOOD