Directed by : Jon Turteltaub
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Good entertainer with funny adult moments in plenty. 

Billy (Michael Douglas) who is way past 60 finally decides to marry his girlfriend who is almost half his age. He calls his childhood friends, Paddy (Robert De Niro),  Archie (Morgan Freeman),  and Sam (Kevan Kline). They decide for a bachelor party, and revisit their old days together having fun at a much older age. Also, the friendship between Paddy and Billy gets attention that has not been on track since death of Paddy's wife.

I quite enjoyed the movie, lots of good adult dialogues, scenes and humurous moments between all 4 friends when they meet. After 50 some years tag was hilarious. Diana (Mary Steenburgen) character was well inserted into narrative, if only Billy didn't overdo the sacrifice part.

Except for Michael Douglas, all get equal share of fun scenes. The bed rotate, jumping from ground floor window, judging girls in bikini (the guy part in end spoiled it though), the death joke over phone, and entire Diana part was lovely.

Not as entertaining as The Heat was, still Last Vegas was worth a watch.