Directed by : Ayush Raina
Imdb link ->

Another Horror movie that makes you laugh more than scare.

Read at your own risk, the post is full of spoilers.

With 'Ek Thi Daayan' we tried to do slightly better in horror genre, even though the 2nd half of that movie was a let down. But Vikram Bhatt camp (not as a director this time) is back with the usual cliched story, characters and horror elements, that induce comedy most of the time.

Seven friends meet at a pub at night, they watch a news played on T.V about a haunted hotel whose owner just died. Some of them believe in ghosts, some don't. They decide to go for adventure, by going at the hotel and finding the truth behind the murders happening there since quite a time.

The moment they decided on that, I felt like how idiotic some people could be. Or better way to put it would be, how much eager some people are to die, otherwise why would you risk your life at a place where many have died even if you believe there is no ghost. And still if I agree they had a point to prove, then was it necessary to go at night ? Some story writers don't think about basic things at all.

Most of the actors are new, and almost everyone's voice is dubbed which was another irritating thing to manage. There are few chiling moments, specially the one when the 1st one out of them dies making them realise in what hell they have come. Also, the one where they are holding each other hands. Or when they get a car to move out, only to find that its a trap set for them. And the shot where they are standing at the closed door of hotel looking outside, and cursing themselves for entering inside.

The pre-climax scene where the owner ghost suddenly comes to help a character was super funny, that person didn't care to help anyone else until then, but had a soft corner for the last person left.

One good thing about the movie was, it had no songs.. else the film would had been a torture to go through.

The girl that stays alive, and the two guys that die at last.. these 3 characters gave fair performance, while the 1st guy that died overacted.

Overall, Horror Story has few scary moments, rest of the film only makes you laugh. Even if you have a weak heart, the film won't enter into your favourite horror movie club.

Verdict : POOR