Directed by : Anand Gandhi
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Indian films with english dialogues turns me off immediately, a reason why I never felt interested in this movie after watching trailers or hearing all the praise from industry people on social platform. Now that I have watched it, I would say it was good movie.. time not wasted but its not a masterpiece or special movie as it has been labelled by many for me.

If the parts of a ship are replaced, bit by bit, is it still the same ship ? The film is based on this idea referenced to human body. Three stories of three people, one with cornea transplant, one with liver cirrhosis and one with donated kidney. All these stories are wonderfully inter-connected in the final scene.

For me, the story of Aaliya (Aida El Kashef) was the best one. Love her reply to the interviewer who indirectly questions if she has limits, or the arguements she has with Vinay (Faraz Khan) or when she gets her eyes back how she feels about her photos she clicks now to her old photos or her struggle to find that one great photo clicked. My most fav moment is when she returns home from hospital after successful operation, and she checks all the photos she had clicked until now, I liked that the scene was extended one. The final shot of this story is very beautiful too.  Aida El Kashef delivers a very fine performance.

There's nice philoshopical conversations in almost all 3 stories which engages you very much. The story of Maitreya (Neeraj Kabi) ailing with liver cirrhosis is good until he accepts cure after having denying the meditation for the fact that its involves animal product. There's a young lawyer who strongly opposes his views to which he reacts very well but the change of heart didn't go well for me. Though Neeraj Kabi's performance was superb. Felt this story was 5-10 mins too long.  I liked the way only song of movie is used in this story, also special mention to cinematographer for capturing some great scenes where Maitreya who walks on and on through roads.

The humor which was to a minimum in 1st two stories, was highly used in the 3rd one involving Navin (Sohum Shah) who has just undergone a kidney transplant. How he gets interested to find about another person who had kidney donated, first thinking he might be the person mistakenly got his kidney and later to find the real person and get justice for him. I love the end to this story, but the friend with whom he goes to the real culprit got additional scenes that I felt were un-necessary. Editing is infact quite loose. The friend who initially helps Navin brings many laughs, specially the scene where they try to find the guy whose kidney was stolen. There's one awkward scene in this story which I wont have liked to be there, trying to get too real. But I liked conversations between Navin and his Ajji, specially the final words of Ajji.

Ship of Theseus is definately worth a watch for something different, there are some great moments to admire in the movie. Yes as a whole it fails to attract me, but I didn't regret watching it at all.

Verdict : NICE