Directed by : Ram Gopal Verma
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Another Ram Gopal Verma movie loses out on account to the film-maker's stubborn attitude to play around with cameras, and not focus on the story in hand. Like always, lets take 'wierd camera angles' aside and then look at this film.. What I find then, is a weakly executed movie by RGV, who tries to show the terror of Kasab through Joint Commissioner's (Nana Patekar) slow speech,  forced sympathy at the killings of women and children (which thankfully isn't shown), and some over the top performance by Sanjeev Jaiswal (playing Kasab).

26/11 is one of the major incident that has happened in Mumbai, India.. so a film on it immediately targets the audience that was either part of it through television, or ones who had the misery of being there when it all folded out. RGV starts the movie without visuals, written lines with background voice of terrorists firing, the final line says 'this movie would show how those attacks happened'. Here itself, RGV lost one point from me.. he from the very start had decided that his focus would be mainly on how everything happened, instead of going into the emotional turnmoil of the event.

The taxi driver plot (very small one) by Asif Basra, Kasab's reasoning to his brutal killings to the Joint Commissioner and the reply he gets from him later were some of the bright points in the movie.

Sanjeev Jaiswal may have looked like Kasab, but I didn't like the way his character is highlighted. Instead how much RGV underplayed his partner at CST and Cama Hospital, that's how I would had liked Kasab to be. Even during his sole long dialogue sequence with Nana Patekar, he ends up hamming a lot.

Nana Patekar is expressive, but his way slow dialogue delivery was poor direction by RGV. Atul Kulkarni is wasted in a small role that is limited to CST event.

The kid sequence at Taj Hotel was very much well done, but to show it at CST and then the tent place also, ruined the earlier part too. Now for instance, the scene at Taj Hotel, the havoc terrorists do, the camera shows a god statue.. the camera keeps moving closer to it making me say that I got it what you wanted to say the moment you saw that frame, this zoom in was only trying to give the irritating feel.

Also, the police was highlighted in such a bad taste, the instance of hawaldaars throwing stones. The helplessness was to be showed, but not in such a way. One real fact RGV didnt use, when the terrorists went past a police chowk, the police switched lights off because they didn't have weapons at their place and terrorists had ak47 and heavy loaded guns. Such scenes would had been better to show the police errors.

Except for 'Raghupati raghav' track, the rest background scores/songs were very ordinary. Editing was bad if there was no footage of shots where extreme close up shots were taken, but even if it was available chances are that Rgv might had his say in it.

RGV should sit down in a closed room, and have a 1-2 hour session to know where his films are going wrong. Until he changes his attitude and accepts that I am making bad films... I feel there's much more pain to come for viewers, Satya2 is the next one in line.

26/11 would work only due to the emotional feeling one has towards the event, but if you take that aspect aside then you are most likely to see all the problems this movie has. The misery of Rgv continues.. He could had easily exploited the emotional content related to the event, but his focus was on un-neccessary things instead.

Verdict : AVERAGE