Directed by : Niels Arden Oplev (Sweden version)

Directed by : David Fincher (American version)

The film is based on some famous novel, thriller based. Its of three parts, and all of them have been made into swedish movies. While American one has only first one done till now, and rest two are expected by 2014. 

I liked both the versions, both have positives and own flaws. But, if I have to choose one, then I would prefer Sweden one, mainly because the girl playing main lead made more impact in the sweden version, and also the writing was more in favour of her in the sweden version, while the american foccussed more on her trauma, and very less on the relation she shares with the journalist. 

Journalist Mikael Blomkvist gets a investigating case from powerful Wanger Family of a girl Harriet who is missing since 40 years, but whose killer is still alive. Mikael who is already seen himself in wrong light by the media for his reporting against one of famous personalities who actually sets Mikael up. To get a good change, Mikael accepts the case and slowly gets totally intrigued into the case but he requires help of Lisabeth, a brilliant computer hacker to solve the case. Both get together, and start solving the case that lays doubts on each and every member of the Wanger Family. 

Sweden Version : Though Michael Nyqvist acted the part of Mikael very well, he looked old to play the character, specially the scenes between him and Lisabeth looked less appealing. I like the way Lisabeth character is written, the personal problems she face and the way she looks at guys not having any trust in them. The whole guardian-Lisabeth sequences were very captivating. And the way Lisabeth comes into the investigation of Harriet, and her help, and the question she asks herself if Michael is a guy she can trust or not. 

Another highlight of this version, is the back-story of Lisabeth done in a min or two scene telling why she has become like this now. What incident made her like this. 

I think in a way the writing made Mikael less effective in the investigation case, though he started it very well, but its Lisabeth who took him to the conclusion. Also, I liked the ending very much, specially the final shot. 

Noomi Rapace was brilliant in her portrayal of Lisabeth character. Though, it took a while to accept her looks, being treated not well mentally that kinda look given to her. She easily brought the vulnerability and uneasyness while talking to guys, plus the way she would help Mikael. 

The Bible numbers and names mystery was very well put, and the way it gets solved. I like the detailing done to this part. 

Also, the conversation the killer has in the final portions of the movie, the dialogues of that part made the killer look more deadly. 

American Version : Lisabeth-guardian sequences are almost similar, with extra footage of expired guardian to give a feel what Lisabeth is about to face. In this version, Mikael is much stronger in his abilities to solve case, though Lisabeth does come into his investigation to help him out but Mikael himself succeeds much more in this version. The Mikael-Lisabeth sex scenes though aren't directed well, as they are (though very few) in the sweden version. 

While the climax is changed here, be it Harriet mystery or the Mikael earlier case which Lisabeth tries to help him out of. The change in Harriet is useless, could had gone with same one. But, Lisabeth is good because it kinda of establishes how she gonna on her own manage out in next parts. 

Daniel Craig, was very good in his performance, while Rooney Mara was let down by the writing, except for few scenes, she couldn't make me love her. The lesbian scene which is edited in sweden version, was very nicely done by director in this version. 

Overall, the reason the film works in both versions is the screenplay, the mystery keeps getting revealed slowly and the Lisabeth character makes is exciting. Which version you would like would most probably depend on which Lisabeth and Mikael you liked.