Directed by James Cameron
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You Jump, I Jump .. Remember ? 

The disaster of the ship is so huge, that I had seen lots of videos on youtube, some interviews on channels for the real incident that happened. Just like Rose says in the film, We all can glamourise or show sympathy for the people who suffered in the journey of Titanic, but only those people who survived would know the hard experience they had.

It was among the films I always wished to have seen in theatre, and the re-release in 3D made the dream come true. There's nothing great than to see a film for 1st time on big screen knowing you have already seen the film, and loved it madly. 

The main plot is the well known, poor boy meets rich girl, fall in love, and then face difficulties in making their love win. Here, they have to face another major hurdle, the ship they are on named unsinkable 'Titanic' is about to sink.

James uses lots of establishing shots so that he could refer to them later on when the disaster is taking place. Like all the crew and working unit at ship shot, right from basement workers, to the captain and people assisting him. Or the scene where Rose asks Andrews, why the number of lifeboats are so less. And the Jack's flying sequence with his friend.

I like the narrative, and also I like the delay James does to take us to the love story from where it all started. The detailing of the ship is tremendous, makes me feel if this film was made in Hindi, how badly we would had failed. I haven't seen the making of the film, so not sure what was constructed, what was real and where they cheated (surely they did at many places, cant be real shooting).

I like how within 2 dialogue sequences, the life of Rose is established and Jack enters her life. The first conversation between them had to be special, and so it is as he tries to stop her from jumping though deep inside he knows she wont jump.

The use of 'My heart will go on' when Rose accepts Jack's love that leads to the 'I am flying in air' sequence is one of best scenes of the movie. I like how the same song theme is used at particular moments in the film without trying to over-do it.

How those 3 musicians are used to play music to keep the panic down, knowing no one is still not going to listen to it. Also, the various mindsets shown during the disaster by James, like some people preferred to remain inside rooms and die. One mother even tries to let her children sleep so that they dont get to see the death. One is seen praying to God, and many are shown to panic as they try to cut lifeboats resulting in more problems. Amidst all this, the crew members of ship, whose job is first to manage people into lifeboats safely with all panic around, and then look to save their own life too. One case where one captain lost his cool, killing one person and then with that guilt killing himself.

James uses just one scene of Rose mother explaining why she is so forcing her daughter into what she doesn't want. Her mother plays the high society lady not liking to see poor guy near her role very well. Also, the friend of Jack has few funny moments.. One when Jack says 'Goodbye' and he joins him. And then that 'I can see the Statue of Liberty already.. very small, ofcourse'. And Molly (Kathy Bates) who supports and helps Jack when he needs someone to teach how to be among 1st class living people on ship. She pretty much filled in the 'Mother' of Jack in the film. And her final scene, where she pleaded to captain to return to the titanic sink place, and get more people into their lifeboat which had enough space.

I don't know why Thomas Andrews (Victor Garber) death scene wasn't shown, especially when you show him so dissappointed for having made a ship which he thought won't require lifeboats when Rose inquired about it earlier in the day. His scene looking at the watch, and saying 'Sorry' to Rose was good one. I love that scene when the three musicians play one final time, and what follows is the final rise of water tearing apart all doors, and the place where 1st class people use to have parties.

The captain's misery when people come to him asking where should we go, and he just goes inside to let the death come to him. He knew his mistake, for increasing the speed of the ship having received warning of icebergs ahead, he thought ship could be turned whenever a iceberg would be seen, but that didn't happen. Also, his reply to the person who wanted him to speed up to get headlines.

Another fav scene for me is the promise Jack makes Rose take in the ending part of film which eventually gives her courage to live life.

There's one scene where Rose has to find where Jack is, after being alleged for stealing the diamond. The place is getting filled with water, and she goes to kiss her, and also while finding key get busy in conversation with Jack making him remind her 'Keep looking'. What I like about this scene is, how real it is as the emotions takes over the situation at such times. Also, when she is saying 'I love you' to Jack thinking she may die and hence should say it one last time, and Jack's reply 'Don't you dare say your goodbyes'.

Some of other good moments like the guy telling Jack 'You got enough time to remove your jacket'. The dance between Jack and Rose, the famous painting sequence and the dreadful iceberg scene.

James Cameron Direction is excellent. Very good editing. Superb dialogues. The length of movie is 3 hrs, but that never bothers me at any time.

This must had been Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet first big hit film of their career (if I aint wrong). Leonardo as chocolate looking boy at that time, gave a excellent performance. Watch the scene where he has to dine with rich people, and not look nervous which he does when he reaches and observes the people there. Brilliantly acted! The one where he admits his love to Rose with all the reality in mind, the hesitation and fear feeling in the way he says it. And the final dialogue sequence. He plays the caring lover part just so efficiently.

Kate Winslet looks so thin now then she was then. Nevertheless, she was beautiful then too and a powerful actor. My fav scene when she feels helpless trying to find key for Jack, finding people to help. And the scene where she jumps out of boat to be with his love Jack. In the final scene with Jack,  she screams 'Jack' numerous times, the last scream the painful one realising he is no more. She matches completely with Leonardo's performance.

Billy Zane playing the fiance of Rose, was very good, he's mean and easily played the negative character. I like that scene where he says 'Jack, I always win.. one way or another'. And, when he looks at the painting, just about to tear apart and realizes how to make use of it. Also, that scene where he laughs at his stupid blunder 'I put the diamond in the coat, I put the coat on her.' How, he uses a small child to get a lifeboat only to find later this boat would get him drowning due to the major rush of panic with ship sinking fast.

Gloria Stuart as the 'Old Rose' was good choice by Cameron, because she hardly gave that feeling that she isn't the same person. My fav scene has to be where she throws diamond into water while standing on the railings of the ship.

Rest cast gave their good supporting performances.

I liked the idea of James to show the dream sequence of Rose where Jack and Rose meet, on the ship at the 1st class party place, where all people are present, the final kiss, all clap and the film ends.

As far as 3d effects are concerned, it was good at places. But, I ain't a fan of 3d effects. So, they didn't make any difference to me.

Overall, Titanic is a evergreen romantic movie that I love to the core. James Cameron's detailings and direction, and Leonardo-Kate performances just made the film so special. And lovely way to keep the song 'My heart will go on' at the end credits, with no visuals.