Amitabh Bachchan is so impressive in this trailer of upcoming Ram Gopal Verma film. Plus at two scenes he reminds of his own past films. During the 'Illegal' dialogue, his dialect is similar to 'Agneepath' and in the 'Bajaani hai' dialogue, he is in 'Satte pe Satta' mode. It could be Rgv idea to make him deliver the dialogues like that, or just my own way of looking at it.
Lots of good punchlines in the trailer. Sanjay Dutt was the only actor that didn't appeal at all to me. Rana could find me appreciate his work, after his not so good performance in 'Dum Maaro Dum'. And the typical Rgv camera angles are part of this trailer too though not in abundance this time, watch the 0:37th and 0:57th scenes.
The action looks good. I hope the screenplay is impressive, and the film turns out to be good.
"Jab jab yeh ghanti bajti hai mujhe yaad dilaati hai ke mujhe desh ke har dushman ki .. bajaani hai ?. Aur jab jab yeh bajti rahegi, tab tak main sabki.. bajaata rahunga ? Correct. "
Lots of good punchlines in the trailer. Sanjay Dutt was the only actor that didn't appeal at all to me. Rana could find me appreciate his work, after his not so good performance in 'Dum Maaro Dum'. And the typical Rgv camera angles are part of this trailer too though not in abundance this time, watch the 0:37th and 0:57th scenes.
The action looks good. I hope the screenplay is impressive, and the film turns out to be good.
"Jab jab yeh ghanti bajti hai mujhe yaad dilaati hai ke mujhe desh ke har dushman ki .. bajaani hai ?. Aur jab jab yeh bajti rahegi, tab tak main sabki.. bajaata rahunga ? Correct. "