Directed by Rafeeq Ellias 

A dark comedy film that works in pieces mainly for the characterization of the characters, guy interested in money and ambition, girl into the environment stuff, mother prefers video games, father likes wild life, servant dreams of massage parlours in Goa, a small dog 'baby' suffering from human trauma's, a theatre teacher allowing his students to practice by killing the girl in real and a friend of the girl playing a tarrot card reader.

What lets down the film is the screenplay that's bit dull, and the humour that never makes you laugh a lot. Yuki Ellias was the best among all actors in the film, Chandan Roy was a bit restrained and in one scene he totally went into Kaminey mode. Good to see Suhasini Mulay after a long time. Rest cast was decent.

Rafeeq Ellias as a director excels in some particular sequences only. Also, its hard to understand that Chandan and his mom agrees to meet Yuki at a party knowing she might try to kill them.

Some of the best moments from the film would be, the complete doctor sequence which was so hillarious, the theatre teacher sequence, the scene where Yuki prepares food for Chandan and his mom, and the 'Mudh mudh ke na dekh' finale. Also, the interval sequence was classically shot, much like a metaphor.

Overall, Love you to Death could had been much better if the treatment was good. Its a different kind of film, so watchable atleast once.