Directed by Blake Edwards

Okay, Life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness. 

The film appealed to me more in the 2nd half than the 1st one. Its story of a call girl, Holly (Audrey Hepburn) who lives in a New York apartment. The person living a floor up always gets irritated by the disturbance caused by the social parties Holly is always engaged in. A new person Paul (George Peppard) comes to live in a apartment next to her. Paul and Holly despite having very less in common, happen to bond well, and eventually fall in love. But Holly ain't ready to marry someone who isn't rich. She has some reservations against marriage.

I like the fact that the director keeps the film non-vulgar. Audrey's performance specially is very good, a talkative girl who shares what she actually is mainly with Paul, whom she finds so close and similar in appearance to her brother Fred. She is not ready to accept that she can actually love someone, and someone can actually love her a lot. She has more or less taken herself as a girl who would just use the rich customers to her own benefit and lead a luxury life, even if deep inside she knows that won't really give her the real happiness, that's why she repeatedly says 'At Tiffanys you never feel low, you can't feel sad here. Its just so good here'. The story is more of her self-realization that takes place by Paul as the story goes forward.

 The conversation between Holly and Paul when they meet for 1st time,, the hillarious party sequence, the tiffany steal scene and the climax are the best scenes of the film. Also special mention to the opening credits, I like the work of DOP, very good camera angles too. And, the cat references throughout the movie telling how similar the life of Holly is to the cat whom she isnt willing to give any name. And, the final sequence is again related to the cat, making her realize some hard-truths she was running away from.

George Peppard is just about fine in his performance. He excels in the climax scene though. While I loved that guy whom Paul asks for help when in jail, his small cameo was nice and funny.

The person living in upper apartment of Holly, was just irritating.. what was that lamp doing above his bed, a total waste of character.

Overall, despite a low 1st half, the 2nd half so much makes up for it that its among the movies I may like to watch again too. Its mainly to do with good direction and audrey's great performance.