Directed by Sudhish Kamath

I don't think we have to take love out of one person to give it to another. Love is a bottomless glass.

This film either is inspired from 'Before Sunrise' or I see it that way.. Whatever it is or not, the concept this time is little different, the strangers have a never ending conversation on phone, not in person.

Two strangers Turiya (Manu Narayan) and Moira (Seema Rahmani) happen to meet at a pub on New Year's eve. Turiya leaves without any conversation with his friends, on a car journey to Philadelphia. He decides to randomly call the same girl. Moira at first isn't keen to talk with a random stranger on phone, but feeling bored and having nothing to do, she thinks of trying him out. And hence the conversation on phone between the two leads begin that continues till the end of the film..

The impressive thing for me in this film was, how well the screenplay and narration is kept, because here you are gonna depend mainly on a phone conversation happening between the leads. There are just two locales available, one the girl's hotel room and other the boy with his buddies in car. Also, the film is filmed mainly in black and white, with very few coloured sequences.

The talks of Turiya and Moria starts from random flirting, goes to each other's personal information, pasts of theirs.. Their conversation talks almost everything about Love, Relationships and Life. There is a splendid spoof on Kuch Kuch Hota Hai too.

Also, the fictional stories both characters speak during the conversation are brilliantly visualised. Then, the conversation among the buddies or that photo taking act, helps the viewers get a breather from the split screen talks on phone between the leads.

My fav scenes would be, one where Moira talks about her opinion on relationships as a whole.. and the one where Turiya asks her to flush something out. Also, the geek sequence was humurous.

Writing is very good, its real, humourous and connectable easily. Dialogues are a major plus in the film, because the film is dependant on the conversations mainly, and they are very well written. Direction by Sudhish Kamath is top-notch, I like that he kept the climax way it is.. and not the other one he uploaded on youtube. Editing is good, the fact that its a short film helps otherwise the split-screen narration would had become tough to engage people for a longer period.

Both Manu Narayan and Seema Rahmani were excellent in their performances, had they faltered the film wont had worked because the split screen narration meant a lot of close up scenes, and hence the expressions mattered. Also, they both have good screen presence especially Manu who at times reminded me of Abhishek bachchan in appearance.. Vasanth and Raja Sen were fine as supporting characters, they hardly had much to do in film, except for 3-4 dialogue scenes.

Overall, Good Night Good Morning works for me.. for the reason that it talks about so much without preaching, its more like two people telling their opinions on the most common things that are part of everyone's life. It makes you think, think and have a answer to the same questions Turiya and Moira ask each other on phone, and when a film does that.. its likely that it has hit the right note..