I am yet to understand animation genre. Lack of proper knowledge makes it hard, especially how to judge it. When many people liked The Adventures of Tintin, I would it just about nice.. at places bit boring. But yesterday, when I saw Puss in the Boots(thanks to masand and one more review, forcing me to see it.. few occasions when reviews made me see a film) I enjoyed it a lot.

I don't know if as a animation film, it was upto the mark or not. But as a comedy adventure film, I liked it a lot. Plus, the cat character always has been one of my favs whenever I have seen cartoons too. The sequence, where he drinks milk, or dances with the female cat or the hillarious dialogues on dog and many more, made the film very enjoyable. Plus the looks of Kitty, Puss and Humpy were very good, and the dubbing suited it. Also, special mention to the young Puss scene, where he just meows for some mins without saying a word.

Even in Tintin, there were some good moments, though I liked the captain more in the film, than tintin himself. Also, 3d in both these films was nice, but not really required(more on 3d in next post).

In the past I had seen Roadside Romeo(1st animation film I saw) and Toonpur ka Superhero(not fully animated). Both were hindi films, Roadside Romeo was nice, little over the top while Toonpur ka Superhero wasnt upto the mark in its execution of the story.

Apart from how well the animation was judgement, two other problems for me in animation films are, connectivity factor is less and since I have seen less cartoons, I have very less knowledge, hence a scene's motive becomes hard to guess.

I remember a guy who was into animation course, and always use to comment the most on animation films only, while I was there on orkut. It used to surprise me, how there are people who are so fond of animation films, but then it was his career, so quite expected.

Aneways, I won't stop watching the animation films despite all this. I have plans to watch Arthur Christmas too this December. Lets see, how that one goes...