We connect to the films, a lot. Most of us do. But, how many times have we tried to do something because you liked it in the film, how many times after watching a film you say 'Yes, I should do like that guy/girl did in movie from today onwards in my life' or 'Hey, I should talk to him/her' or 'I should respect him/her' or 'I should give him/her proper space' etc etc etc.

Films are just like friends, they inspires us, they guide us to some aspects which sometimes we forget or ignore about ourselves. Yup, I take them that much seriously, they help me seek answers to my problems. Sometimes they help, sometimes they dont. But, no hard feelings.

Like in 'No one killed Jessica' , the girl watches a film 'Rang de Basanti' in theatre, and comes out, does sms to her friends, for a same candle march. Fine, I agree it was a dramatic scene in the film. But, if it was your life situation, you would had done it too, maybe not that fast.

Ofcourse getting inspired from evil films or stunts like dhoom, is silly and wrong. And many times, films do give a wrong message to the youth and we all know how quick the youth responds to a bad message that has a kind of style in it.

Also, films are a reflection of your current mental state. At a particular phase of your life, a film would make a certain impact on your life, and at another phase, it would make no impact.

I have had few personal experiences, that I can recall. One was Rab ne bana di jodi, it reminded me some important things about love, that I was ignoring or not able to look in my life. It almost worked for me. From Luck by Chance, I told myself, that I would never take success by cheating people who are close to me. While Love Breakups Zindagi too told few things about love to me, I did apply them to some extent to me, not fully though. But all these films keep you thinking. Dev.D is another film, that I always keep thinking about, can't write the reasons for it. Wake up Sid helped me lessen my arrogant nature especially towards parents.You know, when you see the negative side of yours in a film, you feel what you need to improve on.

I won't deny that I haven not taken bad inspirations from films too, everyone does(or atleast many do). Everytime I see a romantic emotional story, I get totally involved in them. The reason why Rockstar holds important film for me this 11th Nov. Because its not, the status of the characters in the films that matters to me, 90% of the times I look at their love, in what way they love, what they do for their love and upto what madness they go to achieve or remain in their love.

People who see films only for timepass or their fav celebs, may not really agree or connect with this blogpost of mine. I hope rest must have got some film names in their mind, write them down if you wanna share.. ;)
