You know you are a fan of a celeb, if you day/night think about his/her films/music. You wait for his films/music/song the most every year. You don't feel like appreciating other celebs much, especially the ones that are the major competitors with your fav celeb. You are a die-hard fan!

How many times, have you seen a Shahrukh Khan fan not make fun of Aamir/Salman ? Be it any debate on online forum, be it twitter, be it interview or any of their film. The same applies to Aamir and Salman fans too. One has to accept it that if you are a fan of a particular star celeb who are among the top10, then you are bound to have certain dislike for the rest 9.. the dislike could be small or big, depends on the kind of person you are. Thats a price you pay, for being a fan of a particular celeb, a die-hard fan to be precise.

There are 2 kinds of fans, one who matures with time, one who never matures. I have met both types. There was a incident on twitter, I wrote something good about Mausam music. As a result, 2 sonam kapoor fans followed me. Now, after few days, I wrote a tweet  'Mausam music is very good, among best of 2011, but still it doesn't enter my top5 of this year.' The sonam kapoor fans wanted it to be in top5, maybe even no.1. So, they unfollowed me. Ofcourse, it didn't matter much to me as I never followed them.. and I knew they are gonna unfollow me one day! The point is, that a fan adores his/her favourite celeb to such a extent that even a small comment which holds true, would mean anti-comment made towards the celeb for that fan.

You should not argue too much with the immature fans, they won't agree with you ever. They will remain stuck to their thoughts, and only waste your time. There was a time when I use to argue with them, not anymore. The ignore button gets pressed, the moment I see such thing coming from any immature fan. You can go anywhere else and do your yack yack, I ain't interested.

Some of the immature fans, are very violent too. Seen many cases of abuse on twitter, and surely the count of such people would be very high. I don't like to confront them, always prefer to stay away. Infact, due to these kinda of fans, I feel bad for every celeb who uses Twitter. These celebs try to communicate with their fans., I know most celebs use the medium mainly to promote films, but say 10 yrs back, did anyone thought they could actually be communicating with their celebs so often. But, the violent fans start sending abusive tweets, thinking they are succeeding in making that celeb feel bad. A childish act, but very common in today's times. They don't even spare journalists, then how would they leave celebs.

Personally, I have no feeling for every person who is a fan of a celeb. Because thats not the kind of company I want to be around me. If my friends happen to be like that, then I make it a point, not to talk anything or talk to a minimum about their fav celebs with them. Because I know if I talk more on them, they will show me their love towards that celeb in abundance, which will irritate me. So, if you ever thought why I talk less on your fav celeb with you, then the answer you got just now.

I agree that in your top5 fav list, some actors wont be there, like Kareena Kapoor, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar won't come in my top5 list, because they time and again dissappoint me with their choice of films. But, the key is.. they wont either come in my list of worst 5 actors list, or the list of actors whom I can't stand. No, nothing like that. If you have the stardom, then you certainly have got some talent to get it. How much different people like you, depends on how your talent is nurtured by the directors, and ofcourse whether the reason the people don't like you is personal or related to your work.

In all, to lead a life of being a fan of a celeb is very tedious, and not worth fun at all. Atleast that's how I always feel. Enjoy every actor's good work, have constructive criticism about the bad work.. the filmi world would become so nice.
