Ethan(Hrithik) who has been living 14 long years a life of quadriplegic decides to file a petition in court on his death. It comes as a total surprise to the few people who are part of his day-to-day life. Ethan was a magician, whose one magic trick went wrong and as a result the accident happened. How does he justify everyone about his sudden demand, and does he have the right to ask for his death or not .. Guzaarish deals with all these aspects which is known by the name of Youthanesia.

The main thing that could decide how much you like/love the film would be how much you agree with Ethan on his demand and also the way its granted/denied.

The typical aspects of Sanjay Leela Bhansali film can be well seen, as we have the excellent sets and great cinematography. Though, must admit they were at a lesser scale this time around as compared to previous films.

The film's beginning again with a alarm clock's background(seems to be trademark of Bhansali films), has a Charlie Chaplin written song "Smile" that really sets the mood for the film. The pace of the film is steady, mainly on the slower side and at some places extreme slow. But, good editing keeps that factor unnoticeable.

Also, the music is used so differently when you think of Saawariya, maybe its the effect of bashing last time around or the demand of Guzaarish script was to keep songs usage to a minimum.

What actually doesnt work in the film is the presentation of the supporting actors, their characterisation was fine but they werent put onto the film in the way they should have. There was lots of comical situations put up unintentionally, be it Devyani's(Shernaz Patel) conversation with Sophia(Aishwarya Rai) or the combine hug scene in the climax. Even Father Sameul(Sanjay Lafont) was portrayed in a way that it looked he might be a villain. Also, Yaseer Siddiqui's(Ash Chandler) sudden change of heart was hard to accept. Neville D'Souza(Makrand Deshpande) entry at a sudden notice wasnt required at all, SLB could had done away with this character's part in screenplay.

If we do ignore these small flaws, then the main point that comes is, Do we agree with Ethan that he has the right to die, and what are we really wanting, do we want him to live or do we want him to die.. I am sure many will remain confused, which shouldnt happen. This goes mainly to the narration I feel, we are shown points from both parties and there is never a clear feeling given as to which way is right. Or maybe Sanjay says everything through Devyani's one dialogue "Only those people can understand who goes through the suffering, no one else can understand".

There are some sequences in the film that brings a lump to the throat,

• Ethan's reply in the courtroom scene held at his home.
• Ethan's song "What a wonderful world" at the funeral.
• Ethan fighting with the leakage of raindrops in his room, and title song in background. 
• Ethan asking Sophia to walk the steps to him as the lover, and background of Mazo Saiba.

The last two especially should enter the Best Scenes ever column of many people. 
                                                                                                                                                                        As a Director, Sanjay Leela Bhansali falls short of his great work in Saawariya. Yet, he gives lots of good moments in the film and its mainly the way he narrates the story that ends up giving a feel of something is missing. Editing and Cinematography are excellent. Great use of Songs and very good Background score. Good use of thunderstorms at many places. Even the rain falling down is very well used to portray that particular situation in Ethan's life. 

Performances wise, 
                                                                                                                                                               Hrithik Roshan gives a very good performance, though not flawless this time as was the case in Kites. At many places, his dialogue delivery reminds of Koi Mil Gaya. Now, whether that was done deliberately by SLB or it just comes out that way, only SLB can tell. Leaving asides that, Hrithik's performance is really worth a watch. Especially, the scene where he wants to vent his anger out, or the one where he is sitting with a hat on in front of courtroom at his home and you wonder if we are watching Jesus Christ look alike. 
                                                                                                                                                                    Aishwarya Rai is excellent throughout the film, be it as a caretaker of Ethan, or her frustration at Devyani or the anger in the courtroom and the finale Mazo Saiba. And as always, She looked extremely beautiful, probably the most in any of her films this year.
                                                                                                                                                                    Aditya Roy Kapur(Omar Siddiqui) has to be told by someone about his hairstyle which is hard to see now. Infact in the film, there is one scene where he looks so much better and then he goes to his trademark style in final scene. His performance was good though, though he never had any key solo scene in the film. 
                                                                                                                                                              Monikangana Dutta(Estella) had only one dialogue scene, but a important one as far as SLB's narration is concerned. She was quite good. 
                                                                                                                                                                    Shernaz Patel, was very good if you leave the mannerisms that SLB gave her character to have, as they turned out to be quite comical. 
                                                                                                                                                                     Nafisa Ali(Ethan's mother) was superb, her scene in the courtroom especially is worth it. 

Overall, Guzaarish is a film that makes you think about Youthanesia whether you would agree or not with Ethan in the film is a different thing. The film has lots of flaws but its the feel and some great moments that keeps it good till the end. In terms of entertainment, the film has a bit more than Saawariya had. Its Hrithik-Aish performances and  the message that you come out of the theatre "Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, love truely, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile". 

Rating : 3.45 Out of 5