Important thing, I am not a fan of Rajni at all. Infact for that matter, I dont prefer Kamal Hassan either. Still, I went to see this film due to excellent reviews it was getting. And I was totally satisfied in the end with film or more than satisfied.

The story is about a scientist (Rajni) who makes a look alike Robot, which is very powerful and can be used in a good way for betterment of the country. But his Guru (Danny Denzangpa) has some other evil plans in his mind which if succeeded can destroy the country in a minute. The film takes us through the journey of Robot, who comes into this human world and how it tackles human emotions, makes mistakes, corrected upon by scientist and falls in love too.

One of best thing about Robot is, that its not too much predictable. There are some twists and turns that keeps you guessing, atleast you are given surprises at various stages, whether its the disapproval by Guru scene or the fire sequence or the making of simultaneous robots or the climax getups.

Editing is one aspect that Robot fails, its a extremely long film especially when one can notice places where audience are bored, such scenes should had been removed. Also, too many songs come up at places where they are not required at all.

Special effects were very good, especially the various climax getups shown, all were worth a watch in theatre.Screenplay was good, keeps you guessing, mixing plots of scientist-aish with aish-robot and scientist-robot before danny's role comes in. Also, there was a emotional feeling put in too. The dismantle of robot was quite a emotional scene.

Performances wise,

Rajni and Aish were brilliant. Aish looked stunning. Danny was nice. While the two workers in scientist lab were quite irritating.

Overall, Robot works a big way. It entertains, though you need patience to sit 3 hrs but a good screenplay quite much makes up for that.

Rating : 3.75 Out of 5