I dont know what value this actor has in the minds of those who call themselves huge hollywood freaks. May be they consider him okish or bad actor. Also, most of the Hollywood films that I have seen till now have been of Leonardo only.

I have seen his 4 films till now, hopefully will catch up with many more very soon. There is something in his acting that excites me a lot.

Jack Dawson of 'Titanic', so brillaintly he portrayed the character of a young guy who despite being poor isnt shy of falling in love with a richgirl and dies in the process of saving her from the falling ship i.e Titanic. My favourite scenes are actually two here, one is when he tries to prevent Rose from jumping and other is the climax one when he asks Rose to promise that she will live no matter what.

Billy Costigan of 'The Departed', here he played a undercover cop who is on a
mission which is so dangerous that he could end up dieing. The f word is used so much in this film(makes me wonder if its remake comes in bollywood and anurag kashyap makes it, how it would be :p).

He plays the character of a guy who is scared at times, angry with the person he is working for as he is in some dangerous situations and also worried about the informer who hasnt been tracked out yet. I specially loved the scene where Frank takes him to a place and the background score of "Shipping to Boston" plays, which so well brings out the current state of Billy(it was the pre climax scene).

Roger Ferris of 'Body of Lies', its probably one of least liked films of his for me, but I still liked his performance a lot. His character somewhat matches with the 'The Departed' one. Still he brings about so many different mannerisms that sets Roger apart from Billy. His initial visits to Aisha's colony and the Russell Crowe hit on chair making him fall are my most fav scenes of this film.

Frank Wheeler of 'Revolutionary Road', its probably a disturbing film. When I saw it, it took time for me to understand why Frank and April(Kate Winslet) behave in such a way. Leonardo's character has got a grey shade and so does Kate. Both shout, scream, their anger scenes cant be described. Infact, the post Tu hi haqeeqat sequences in past life scenes of Tum mile are quite similar to the fights these two have in this film(not completely though). There is a 2-3 minutes silent scene(which we rarely see in hindi films), I just love that entire sequence that has a very light background music as they show Frank who just had a worst fight with April, is feeling bit guilty and looking for her to come back.

I will be watching 'Catch me if you can' pretty soon, will surely write on it here when I do. Also, waiting anxiously for his next 2 films - 'Shutter Island and Inception', simply loved its trailers.