Some people dont like romantic films, some dont like emotional films, some dont like action films while some dont like comedy films etc etc. But then there are people who dont like any films at all except for 1-2 rare films.

What do you do when you meet such people ? Do you say that fine, they have their own likings, they may be liking things which I dont like in my life .. Or Do you say that how on earth can someone not like watching films ?

Are Indian films standards still so low that some people exists who feel to dislike watching any genre of films or its just that these people aren't keen to watch films even if good quality products are kept in front of them.

I dont know but I somehow feel strange to even imagine that people actually say no to quality films that are indeed quality products, leave aside blockbuster n etc type films.

Have you been through any such people ? Have your say ..

P.S - I am blogging after long time here, so have no idea if I had written on this before, If I have then do remind :d .