Directed by : Will Becher and Richard Phelan

Zom Zom

In the town of Mossingham, a UFO crash lands over the farm with a  mysterious alien Lu La (voiced by Amalia Vitale) landing out of it. Shaun (voiced by Justin Fletcher) becomes friendly with Lu La and tries to help along with rest sheep and Bitzer, sheepdog (voiced by John Sparkes). Also, there's an organisation that aims at capturing UFO's and has a leader Agent Red (Kate Harbour) who seems to have some personal agenda against the aliens.

The first part was a decent timepass movie, for me that worked in parts, and this one follows same route. My main problem is with the looks of Lu La and also the adventures Lu La has on earth was very mix of 'Thats Cute' to 'Thats so irritating'. Love the Shaun's pizza sequence or others that involve him and rest sheeps. Also, fun watching all scenes involving Bitzer and the sheeps, or when he is mistaken for an alien. Also, it would be nice if there's a character that had dialogues, its like Minions have their own language but doesn't mean all other characters don't speak too.

Maybe every animation film can't be meant for both kids and grown-ups, this one just falls in that category. I still didn't feel bored, still a very average movie.

My Rating : 5/10