Looking forward to Shahrukh's next Chennai Express today. But everytime his film releases, it takes me back to 2007-2011. During those times, I would go and see the film and most of the times come back having loved or enjoyed major part of film. But on social sites, people (or the so called fucking haters) had already posted their crap on how bad the film is in abundance. And it used to irritate me a hell lot. It used to give me a feel of why do these people not even give the film a chance, and if they do give it a chance do they really watch the movie with the notion 'I may like it' or its always 'Bakwaas movie honi hai, har scene pe galti nikalenge'.

I tolerated these people for all those years, unfortunately I had no other option then. To add to it, they included few people whom I didn't expect to talk that way. But you can never force anyone to love a actor or a movie even if they are very much like your friends. It comes naturally. Only the decency to behave comes through the childhood habits, which many didnt have or maybe some people behave immaturely for a longer time period. 

Now, that time is gone. I no longer remain in touch with any of them, even twitter and facebook is locked for me all the time. During Jab tak hai Jaan, I still was available in these two places, and therefore I again ended up reading opinions of quite a few people. But this time, I have no one's comments to read.. not even friends. Sorry, But I have gone too far ahead now to ask you or answer you when you ask me 'kaisi lagi film, mujhe aisi lagi, mujhe waisi lagi etc etc'. Now, its just my opinion.. you wanna read it  then sure, else no problem. 

Also, I watch Aamir or Salman movies in full houses without caring which kind of theatre it is. But when it comes to Shahrukh movies, I decide which particular show and theatre would have decent audience who would either comprise of shahrukh fans or ones who dont show hatred uselessly. 

But yes, everytime I look forward to his new releases, his over-promotion always turns me off. Why the need to promote the film that much, let the film do the talking instead. I do like to point out things like this which I don't like about him, and I will always do that. I am not the one who would say lovely things all the time like a die hard fan. I can't do that for anyone, never.  Though, despite all that, Shahrukh is and will always remain my preferred favourite Khan. 

I have to say that Chennai Express wasn't I wanted to be that first movie, mainly because I atleast for now feel that I may not like it forget about loving it. But then trailers do mislead sometimes. So, fingers crossed. 

And lastly, forget the bashing of shahrukh that will begin from evening across all social platforms, I am expecting much more for Deepika's dialect getting criticised. I have loved her in all promos, including her dialect.. thank you.

Ready... Steady.. Po.