Director : Danny Boyle
Release Date : Jan 16th,2009
Plot :
The film is about a person Jamal Malik who lives in the slums of India,goes through various hardships of life and then one day sits on the hot seat with Anil Kapoor for the show Who wants to be a Millionaire?. He goes to show hoping that his girlfriend will be watching it and he could locate her through it. He ends up winning the money but gets accused of cheating. Did he really cheat or it was all destiny ? Will he end up finding his girlfriend and what was his earlier life before the show? Thats what Slumdog Millionaire is all about.
Pros :
Dev Patel(i.e Old Jamal) has done a very good job, especially his scene with Irfan Khan on the Q.no 2 of the show.The emotions come out so well on his face.
Freida Pinto(Latika) looks beautiful and has played her part well,though she doesnt have quite big role.
Irfan Khan impresses in a small cameo of Police inspector.
The screenplay is superb,keeps you on the edge of seat most of the time.
The slums of India are quite well captured.
The younger Jamal,Salim and Latika impresses the most in the film.
Danny Boyle has done very good job in the direction with the film,especially the way Danny tries to narrate the story about how Jamal answers most of the questions with the reference of past life is really superb.
The climax scene though you would know what is expected to come yet a special feeling does come, wanting to see him win, and its also very well shown,the enthusiasm of the people all around wanting to see if he would win or not through tv sets.It sort of reminded me of Harshavardhan of KBC,though there is no relevance of him in context of the film.
Cinematography is superb.
The background score was too good, a r rehman delivers yet another excellent score especially o saaya.
Cons :
Anil Kapoor sort of dissappointed me,firstly he was made to behave way too comically, secondly as a host he is intentionally calling a slum person chai wala again and again, and thirdly(Spoiler coming), how can he get so angry that a slum is winning a good prize and end up helping him by giving him a wrong answer during a commercial break.I really dont see any valid reason for him to do so.
Its hard to believe that the young Jamal and Salim all of a sudden start speaking English so fluently during the Taj scene.
The transformation of Old Salim in the end doesnt really look real, can call it a cinematic liberty though few extra scenes could had done well for it as the film isnt any long either.
Extras :
Dialogues were good. There ist any full song used except for Jai ho that comes during end credits,quite well choreographed. As a music album, the songs doesnt really impress but with the film they do blend in very well.Mahesh Manjerakar is sort of wasted in a small role.Saurabh Shukla was ok.
My Favourite Scenes/Dialogues :
The first dialogue that comes written on screen during start of film.
How actually Jamal knew the answer of 1st question.
The reply of Jamal to Irfan Khan when he says that this question my 5 year old daughter would also had answered but you couldnt.
The cricket question in 2nd half.
The call centre scene when Jamal sits on the seat when a executive asks him to adjust for few minutes.
The selling of autograph photo by younger Salim.
Maman murder scene.
The climax scene.
Overall, Slumdog Millionaire should be liked a lot for the performances of characters Jamal,Salim and Latika with good cameos from Irfan Khan. And above all, the narration of story by Danny Boyle.
Ratings :
Direction : 4.5 Out of 5
Screenplay : 4.25 Out of 5
Dialogues : 3 Out of 5
Cinematography : 4 Out of 5
Choreography : 3.5 Out of 5
Entertainment Value : 3.25 Out of 5
Performances : 4.25 Out of 5
Story : 4.5 Out of 5
Music : 2.75 Out of 5
Film Rating : 4 Out of 5
Recommendation : Highly recommended for filmy freaks.